

English teacher
Living in Brooklyn, New York. Hobbies are biking and teaching English. It’s a great pleasure for me to see that we are getting better today than we were yesterday.
Artuom Kudryashov
English teacher
Teaching is my passion, and I’ve been doing it since 2011. I love how teachers and students learn from each other, to be in the class of students who’s eager to learn. It brings me joy to share knowledge useful for real life!
Viktoriia Karpus
QA Engineer
Teaching Interview preparation for QA
I am a practicing QA Engineer, I love my profession and am happy to share my knowledge with students.
Marina Mikhailovskaya
Teaching English speaking, supervising Java practice
I’m passionate about technologies of all kinds, helping society move toward a better world for everyone. I’m very into social dramas, science fiction, music and obsessed with the American accent.
Adelina Kovina
Senior Consultant at CGI
Teaching QA theory
I have over 18 years of experience in Tech. I’ve been teaching at the RedRover school since March 2022.
Baha Mametyarov
Software engineer
I have been a teacher since 2006. I focus on programming in my lessons because every programmer can be a tester, but not every tester can be a programmer.
Sergey Demyanenko
Senior Consultant, Java
I have 30 years of experience In Software development and Integration. I’ve been teaching at the RedRover school since September 2021.
Dmitry Ermolaev
QA Automation Engineer
Teaching JavaScript practice
At RedRover I work as a learning process organizer/coordinator and as a tech lead on Cypress projects.

Maria Moroz
QA Analyst at Dotdash-Meredith
Main scoop of work at school are: organizing work of small groups, work with team leaders and leading practice on real projects.
Daria Sandler
RedRover Marketing Manager
I used to work in marketing, but now I’m a QA Automation Engineer. In addition, I use my marketing experience to enhance and promote the school on social media.

Tanya Zaryankina
I graduated from San Francisco State University and worked for many years as a Data Analyst in the US financial corporations. Now I’m involved in investments, family business, and a few projects for Russian speaking community.
Tatiana Kerzhner
Communications and Marketing Professional
Nothing is going to take you further in life than your ability to connect with people!
Tatyana Ganeli
QA Engineer
Teaching Java Script
RedRover school helped me to find my job. Now I am glad to help new students make their dreams come true!
Tatiana Volk
I live in Arizona. Finished RedRover School myself, and now I’m working as a SDET on Java and Python projects (UI and API testing). I love traveling, hiking, and meeting new people.
Mikhail Mir
Senior Software QA Engineer
I’ve been working in QA for 6 years. I’m trying to be on the wave and don’t stop learning new technology, I also share my experience with others to help people integrate into QA faster.
Edward Isakov
Teaching Python theory
There are no "hopeless" humanitarians or techies. There is only the desire for new knowledge and perseverance.
Aigul Mustafina
Software Engineer
Knowledge of various programming languages, methodologies, and tools. I have a passion for software development, and software quality and I love to try new technologies.
Baur Urazalinov
QA Test Automation Engineer
Teaching JavaScript, Cypress
I am QA enthusiast and bugs investigator, I really enjoy coding and mentoring.
Nalya Shakirova
Java / Back-end developer
Co-teaching Java course
I’m an open-minded person and always ready to help, I like sharing knowledge and experience. My motto is "Never give up".
Timur Malik
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